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Monthly Archives: May 2014

Videos: Magnetic Effect of Current-4…….

Magnetic Effect of Current-4: The video is a sequel to Parts 1,2and 3. It describes the use of Ampere’s Circuital Law to obtain an expression for magnetic field due to a straight conductor and solenoids..

The links to the video is as under :

Magnetic Effects of Current-4

Please make sure to reinforce learning by carefully going through any Text/reference book and try more numerical problems in order to gain the confidence and to reassure yourself that the lessons have been well understood.

Your feedback is welcome.

Happy learning!

Think it over…………

True dream is not that you see in sleep, but is that which does not let you sleep………….A P J Abdul Kalam 

Videos: Magnetic Effect of Current-3…….

Magnetic Effect of Current-3: The video is a sequel to Parts 1and 2. It describes the use of Biot-Savart Law to obtain an expression for magnetic field on the axis of a current carrying circular coil.

The links to the video is as under :

Magnetic Effect of Current-3

Please make sure to reinforce learning by carefully going through any Text/reference book and try more numerical problems in order to gain the confidence and to reassure yourself that the lessons have been well understood.

Your feedback is welcome.

Happy learning!


Magnetic Effects of Current-1 & 2….Videos

 In order to give you a feeling of the real Class room teaching learning process, we at physicsbeckons are trying to produce and present the CBSE Physics class 12 curriculum in the form of videos. Continuing the effort, two videos on the lesson Magnetic Effect of Current (Physics) class 12 are being uploaded.

The video Magnetic Effect of Current-1 is an introduction to discovery of the Magnetic Effect. The video Magnetic Effect of Current-2 deals with Biot-Savart Law and its applications  You may go through the videos carefully to understand the basic concepts involved and the applications thereof for solution of the numerical problems. Please make sure to reinforce learning by carefully going through any Text/reference book and try more numerical problems in order to gain the confidence and to reassure yourself that the lessons have been well understood.

In the next video Magnetic Effect of Current-3, we will continue with applications of Biot-Savart law. Numerical problems based on these concepts will also be covered in this video.

Your feedback is welcome.

The links to the video are as under.

Magnetic Effect of Current-1

Magnetic Effect of Current-2

Happy learning!

सोचे, चिंतन करे (Pause & think)

एक था भगवान्, एक था शैतान,(God & Demon had a fierce fight)

दोनों में झगड़ा हुआ तो बहुत हुआ नुक्सान (Both suffered big loss in the fight)

दोनों ने मिल कर निकाला एक समाधान (& both thought of a solution)

एक खिलौना बनाया- उसका नाम रखा इन्सान. (They designed a toy called man)

शैतान ने अपनी ताकतें दी – क्रोध, घमंड और जलन ( Demon contributed Anger, Jealousy and pride)

भगवान् ने अपना अंश दिया – प्यार, दया और सम्मान, (God gave love and purity of heart)  

भगवान् से मुस्करा कर बोला फिर शैतान, ना तेरा नुक्सान – ना मेरा नुक्सान, (Demon said to God, we have nothing to lose now)

तूं जीते या या मैं जीतुं – हारेगा इंसान………………! (you win or I win, only man will lose!)

इसलिए सभी भाई-बहिने सोचे, चिंतन करे (So pause & think)

समझदारों – गुरुओं ने कहा है. कोई टूट जाये तो भी उसे सजाना सीखो, कोई रूठे तो उसे मनाना सीखो,(decorate the broken, love those  who have been offended)

रिश्ते-अपनापन तो मिलता है मुकद्दर से, (you get friends & relatives by luck)

बस उको खूबसूरती दे निभाना सिखो…….(Ensure they remain friends & your own relatives)

Videos…Current Electricity-VI

Dear students

In continuation of a series of videos on CURRENT ELECTRICITY, a new video CURRENT ELECTRICITY-VI is being posted. The video deals with Combination of resistances. A few problems on the topic are also included to reinforce the concepts you have learnt in this video.

REMEMBER: Your effort/self study is the most important. All external factors may just guide you as to how you should work. It is important for you to continue learning by written practice and solving additional problems from CBSE previous year papers..

You may practice a large no. of  problems in order to muster confidence.

For notes on important topics in the lesson ,CURRENT ELECTRICITY of Physics Class 12, you may look into the topics in the lesson covered in this blog.

Here is the link to the video:

Happy Learning!

It is advisable to watch the videos in sequence i.e. CE-I, CE-II, CE-III CE-IV, CE-V followed by part VI..


The next video will be a continuation of the lesson on Current Electricity……..& we will discuss Grouping of cells.

Videos…Current Electricity-V

Dear students

In continuation of a series of videos on CURRENT ELECTRICITY, a new video CURRENT ELECTRICITY-V is being posted. The video explains EMF, Internal resistance and terminal voltage of a cell. A few problems on the topic are also included to reinforce the concepts you have learnt in this video.

REMEMBER: Your effort/self study is the most important. All external factors may just guide you as to how you should work. It is important for you to continue learning by written practice and solving additional problems from CBSE previous year papers..

You may practice a large no. of  problems in order to muster confidence.

For notes on important topics in the lesson ,CURRENT ELECTRICITY of Physics Class 12, you may look into the topics in the lesson covered in this blog.

Here is the link to the video:

It is advisable to watch the videos in sequence i.e. CE-I, CE-II, CE-III CE-IV followed by part V.


The next video will be a continuation of the lesson on Current Electricity……..

Videos…..Current Electricity-IV

Dear students

In continuation of a series of videos on CURRENT ELECTRICITY, a new video CURRENT ELECTRICITY-IV is being posted. The video has a few solved numerical problems based on the concepts you have learnt in the first three videos. The aim of the present video is to make you discover that the numerical problems in physics are within your easy reach.

REMEMBER: Your effort/self study is the most important. All external factors may just guide you as to how you should work. It is important for you to ‘PLAN YOUR WORK & WORK ON THE PLAN’.

It is advisable to practice a large no. of  problems in order to muster confidence in yourself.

For notes on important topics in the lesson ,CURRENT ELECTRICITY of Physics Class 12, you may look into the topics in the lesson covered in this blog.

Here is the link to the video:

It is advisable to watch the videos in sequence i.e. CE-I, CE-II, CE-III followed by part IV.


The next video will be a continuation of the lesson on Current Electricity……..

Current Electricity-III

CURRENT ELECTRICITY-III: The video deals with the relation between drift speed & current. It also leads us to Ohm’s law, expression for resistance, resistivity & the factors affecting resistance.
You may go through the video carefully to understand the basic concepts involved and the applications thereof for solution of the numerical problems. Please make sure to reinforce learning by carefully going through any Text/reference book and try more numerical problems in order to gain the confidence and to reassure yourself that the lessons have been well understood.
Click below to begin:

The next video in the series will deal with problems based on the concepts in the three videos on Current Electricity.

Happy learning!

A Step Closer…….

Dear students,

It is a pleasure to write to you again with a new project in our effort to make learning Physics for you easier. In order to give you a feeling of the real Class room teaching learning process, we at physicsbeckons are trying to produce and present the CBSE Physics class 12 curriculum in the form of videos. To begin with, two videos on the lesson Current Electricity (Physics) class 12 are being uploaded.

The video Current Electricity-I is an introduction to Electric Current, types of current and a few simple numerical problems based on the content learnt. You may go through the videos carefully to understand the basic concepts involved and the applications thereof for solution of the numerical problems. Please make sure to reinforce learning by carefully going through any Text/reference book and try more numerical problems in order to gain the confidence and to reassure yourself that the lessons have been well understood.

The video  Current Electricity-II deals with explanation of mechanism of current flow in the conductors and expression for drift speed.

The next video Current Electricity-III will deal with relation between drift velocity and current and derivation of Ohm’s law. Numerical problems based on these concepts will also be covered in this video.

Your feedback is welcome.

The links to the video are as under.

Current Electricity-I

Current Electricity-II

Happy learning!